Oklahoma Hotel and Lodging Association

Buyer's Guide
Online Buyers' Guide
When looking for trusted suppliers and services, our members turn to our official hospitality Online Buyers' Guide. Available 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year, the newly redesigned Online Buyers' Guide allows members to find your company quickly and easily. From accounting to wine and spirits, our members count on the Online Buyers' Guide to put them in touch with trusted vendors.
Search Criteria:
Business Category: Poultry

2820 Morgan Trail
Edmond, OK 73012

Phone: 608-347-7631

Company Profile:
Chicken Products

13476 E 540rd
Salina, OK 74365

Company Profile:
Organically Raised Poultry

1610 NE 123rd St.
Kansas City, MO 64165

Company Profile:
Smithfield Culinary offers delicious and versatile products that are enjoyed by millions nationwide, as well as globally. We offer everything you need to build your menu, from innovative culinary insights and ideas that help create head-turning menus, to the industry knowledge and critical thinking you need to achieve a competitive advantage. When it comes to your operation, no one offers more successful business-building solutions than Smithfield Culinary.
Specialty Meats & Foods
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Advertising in our Online Buyers' Guide puts your business front and center! Click here for Ad Rates and contact Patti Colley at patti@okrestaurants.com