Services: Bathing Meals Music Therapy Nursing Personal Care Pet Therapy Recreation Therapy Rehabilitation OT Rehabilitation PT Rehabilitation ST Social Work/Social Services
Contact 2: Debra Upson Contact Title 2: LPN Contact 3: Contact Title 3: Year Began: 2006 Relaffiliation: I believe at one time Alexian was a WADSA member who wish to renew Hours: 7am-430pm Capacity: 158 Avg Attendance: 45 Program Focus: We provide a supportive and therapeutic environment for clients who wish to remain in their home. Staff Part Ratio: 1:8 Profit Center: Non-profit Full-day Rate: $65.00 Level 1 $70.00 Level 2 Half-day Rate: n/a Certified: Yes
Unique Char:
Fund Sources: I-Care, IRIS, My Choice Family Care, Community Care