Services: Bathing Beautician Intergenerational Visits Meals Music Therapy Nursing Personal Care Pet Therapy Podiatry Social Work/Social Services Support Group Transportation
Contact 2: Christina Casey Contact Title 2: Adult Day Center Coordinator Contact 3: Robert Power Contact Title 3: Executive Director Year Began: 1977 Relaffiliation: None Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:30 Capacity: 28 Avg Attendance: 20 Program Focus: Health Maintenance|Social Staff Part Ratio: 1:06 Profit Center: Non-profit Full-day Rate: Half-day Rate: Certified: Yes
Unique Char: The Colonial Club Adult Day center is a homelike setting that provides a day full of activities while supporting any personal care needs that are required. Our day center provides social activities, exercise programs, mind exercises, health monitoring (medication monitoring, blood pressure screening, weight checks) bathing services and a hot noon meal. They day center is located within a senior center and we participate in any special programming opportunities offered. We also offer specialized transportation services throughout Northeast Dane County.
Fund Sources: 61% Fees, 22% county, 8% United Way9% other