Michigan Water Environment Association - Michigan Water Environment Association

Event Registration - Michigan Water Environment Association
This event has completed.

2025 Wastewater Administrators Conference SPONSOR / EXHIBITOR Registration
1/23/2025 - 1/24/2025

Event Description

The Wastewater Administrators Conference (WWAdCon) is a gathering of seasoned wastewater administrators, superintendents, and operators from throughout Michigan. This year’s conference consists of a 2-day event with technical and managerial sessions each day. Additionally, there will be evening entertainment on Thursday evening.

Make the most of your company’s investment by participating as a CONFERENCE SPONSOR AND/OR EXHIBITOR.

will receive the following benefits: Listing on conference sponsor sign, showcased in the conference Powerpoint presentation, company logo in the Conference brochure mailed to 2,000 + industry professionals, listing on the MWEA website, and listing in the Spring edition of the MWEA Matters Magazine.

GOLD Level $800:
  • 2 minutes to introduce/promote your company to conference attendees during the opening welcome of the conference on Thursday with a verbal introduction OR the opportunity to play a promo video
  • Wednesday Evening Welcome Reception sponsor that includes highlighted recognition in conference brochure and additional signage
  • Company logo on Large Display Poster by stage and registration areas
  • Up to THREE (3) CUSTOM slides in the conference powerpoint loop (played during registration and on breaks and meals)
    • Must be sent no later than 1 week before event for inclusion in loop, otherwise a slide with your company logo will be used
SILVER Level $600:
  • 90 seconds to introduce/promote your company to conference attendees during the morning break
    • (can be live if you are attending the conference OR can provide a statement to be read by the moderator)
  • Company logo on Display Poster by stage and registration areas
  • ONE (1) CUSTOM slide in the conference powerpoint loop (played during registration and on breaks and meals)
    • Must be sent no later than 1 week before event for inclusion in loop, otherwise a slide with your company logo will be used
BRONZE Level $400:
  • 60 seconds to introduce/promote your company to conference attendees during the afternoon break
    • (can be live if you are attending the conference OR can provide a statement to be read by the moderator)
  • ONE (1) slide with company logo in the conference powerpoint loop (played during registration and on breaks and meals)

*Please note that sponsoring the conference DOES NOT include meals or conference registration. If you wish to attend the conference, please register separately.

As of 12/9/24, we are SOLD-OUT of exhibitor booths. To be added to the waitlist, please email cbowens@mi-wea.org or call 517-64 -7377.

Exhibit Booth
(add-on to a sponsorship or exhibit only) $600 per booth
  • Includes ONE 6ft table outside of the conference room (across from registration) to display your products, signage and interact with attendees on Thursday and Friday of the conference.
  • Includes ONE complimentary conference attendance (separate registration not required)
  • Logo and/or Name on event advertising
  • Company name on final agenda
  • Company logo in day-of general power point loops
  • 60 second company update at the seminar
  • Opportunity to donate a prize / gift basket to be awarded to an attendee at the Thursday evening activity.

CONFERENCE EXHIBITOR AND SPONSOR $600 (ADD SPONSOR LEVEL PRICING) *includes ONE conference attendance and meals

Click here to view the 2025 fillable PDF version of the Sponsor/Exhibitor Contract