Volunteer Application

Together, we strive to create a society of CURIOUS, SCIENTIFICALLY LITERATE, and ENGAGED problem solvers. You can be a critical part in fulfilling our vision by finding your volunteer focus below.

So, what is the Discovery Pod?

It is how we track and thank our amazing volunteers! The Discovery Pod is made up of smaller groups of dedicated people (13+) who help our staff and visitors in many different ways. 

Donating your time and talent is one of the easiest and most rewarding ways to give back to the community. Our Volunteer Coordinator, Allison Graviett-Pfaff, is ready to talk to you! She leads an open volunteer orientation every Tuesday, 12-1pm, and Thursday, 4-5pm. You can also email her at allisongraviettpfaff@sd-discovery.org or call (605) 224-8295 for more information.


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