2024 NW Patient Safety Conference CE Application (recorded)
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C.E. APPLICATION (Viewed Recording)
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Which sessions did you watch RECORDED (check all that you attended).
October 16, 2024
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(8:00-9:00 am) When We Do Harm: Medical Error and the Human Condition - Danielle Ofri
(9:15 - 10:15 am) Foundation for Health Care Quality, Award Winners Round Table - Karie Nicholas, Kelli Houston, Nicole Jones, Leo Morelas, Natalia Usoltseva, Zandrea Harlin
(9:15 - 10:15 am) Using Physical, Testimonial and Documentary Evidence to Investigate Patient Harm Events - Jonathan Stewart
(9:15 - 10:15 am) Hard Truths about the Long Term Care Sector: Where do we go from here? - Barbara Kohnen Adriance
(10:30-11:30 am) Civility Rising! Best Practices to Inspire Healthy Work Environments - Cynthia Clark
(11:45-12:45 pm) AI for Clinical Diagnosis at the Crossroads: A Tale of Two Possible Futures - David Newman-Toker
October 17, 2024
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(8:00-9:00 am) Safety, Risk, and Intersex Management - Elizabeth Reis
(9:15-10:15 am) Artificial Intelligence and health care: Its applications and hidden dangers - Sian Tsuei
(9:15-10:15 am) Systemic Racism in Health Professions Education and Possible Solutions: Enhancing Patient Quality and Safety - Daryl Traylor
(9:15-10:15 am) A Restorative Approach to Harm and Preparing for Uncertainty - Carolyn Canfield
(10:30-11:30 am) The Leapfrog Group - Informing Decisions and Making Care Safe - Missy Danforth
(10:30-11:30 am) Patient decision aids to enhance shared decision making - Dan Matlock, Dawn Stacey, Randy Moseley
(10:30-11:30 am) Transforming BC Health Care: The Power of the Patient Voices Network - Jami Brown, Hugh Alley, Annmarie Elderkin
(11:45-12:45 pm) Shared Decision Making as a Strategy for Improving Patient Safety and Strengthening Relationships: One Institution�s Path to a Shared Decision-Making Culture - Leigh Simmons
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