2025-2026 WASFAA Executive Council Nomination Form
The Western Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (WASFAA) is an organization dedicated to advancing access to and choice in postsecondary education for students in Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington through:
  • Training and professional development of its members,
  • Encouraging and facilitating the exchange of information and ideas among its members,
  • Promoting the participation of members who honor and reflect the diversity of the student populations they serve, and
  • Advocating for laws and regulations that result in the effective, fair, and equitable administration of student financial aid programs.
WASFAA is a volunteer-led organization. We rely on our members' expertise to manage the business of our association. We are seeking nominations to fill positions on the WASFAA Board of Directors, referred to as the Executive Council (EC), which has full authority over the affairs of the Association. Please thoughtfully consider nominating yourself or a colleague for one of our elected positions.

The Officers of the Association are the President, President-Elect, Past President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers of the Association and Representatives-at-Large must be employed as financial aid administrators at an institution of post-secondary education or as district-wide/system-wide post-secondary financial aid administrators located in one of the states represented by WASFAA.  Officers of the Association and the IDEEA Representative-at-Large are elected from among the active members of the Association.

The Nominations Committee will select two nominees for each elected role provided there have been at least two nominations per position. Additional information about the Nomination Committee's role and responsibilities is outlined in sections 3-8 and 6-1 of WASFAA's bylaws. Election will be by electronic ballot, with the decision made by a majority of active members who submit ballots. Officers will serve terms which will begin July 1, 2025 and end June 30, 2026.  

The following positions are up for election on the 2025-2026 WASFAA Executive Council. Complete descriptions can be found within the WASFAA ByLaws and Policies & Procedures.    
  • President-Elect: The President represents WASFAA in all matters and presides at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Council.  This is a three-year commitment, serving as President-Elect, President, and Past President.  In preparation for their year as President, the President-Elect serves as Chair of the Bylaws Committee and as a member of the Fiscal Planning Committee. As Past President, they chair both the Strategic Planning Committee and Nominations and Elections Committee, and serve as the WASFAA representative on the NASFAA Board of Directors.  
  • Vice President: The Vice President performs the duties of President in the event of absence or incapacity of the President.  The Vice President maintains the WASFAA Calendar, reviews monthly financial reports, approves reimbursements for the Treasurer, and reviews insurance contracts. They also serve on the Strategic & Fiscal Planning Committees. 
  • Secretary: The Secretary keeps records of the Association, including recording and distributing minutes for the Executive Council and the Strategic & Fiscal Planning Committee meetings. They also create and administer a variety of surveys including elections, votes on bylaws changes, and membership changes. 
  • IDEEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Ethnicity, Equity, Action) Representative-at-Large: In addition to their role as a voting member of the Executive Council, the Representative-at-Large serves as Chair of the Inclusion, Diversity, Ethnicity, Equity Action (IDEEA) Committee. The Committee addresses issues that affect marginalized students and the professional development of under-represented financial aid professionals. 

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