2024 Safety Application

Please complete this application for the 2024 calendar year. Deadline to submit: April 18, 2025

In order to increase the level of safety in the wastewater industry, the Safety Committee of the OWEA conducts a safety recognition program to reward systems with good safety programs.

There are three (3) possible levels of recognition: OWEA Safety Certificate, OWEA Safety Award, and the WEF Burke Award.

Award will be selected from the following categories:
1. 1 - 9 Person Collections
2. 1 - 9 Person Wastewater Treatment Facility
3. 10 - 20 Persons Collections
4. 10 - 20 Person Wastewater Treatment Facility
5. Over 20 Person Collections
6. Over 20 Person Wastewater Treatment Facility
7. Support System of the Year

In documenting your award package, do not try to dazzle the Committee with quantity. Do not include countless pages of SOP's, written programs and other materials that can be derived from countless sources and consultants. Instead, provide proof that your program is actually complied with. Course sign-in sheets, tests, certificates, inspection sheets and receipts are examples of solid documentation. In addition, a member of the OWEA Safety Committee will visit potential winners so that submitted information can be clarified and verified.

If you are filling out this form for the first time, please click the New Submission button on the left.

If you are returning to edit or complete a previous submission, please fill out the email address and access code you set up previously and click Edit Submission.

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