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Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association

Educational Research & Development Journal



Fall 2024, Volume 27, Number 2

Exploring the Creative Methods of Comic Language in Augmented Reality Children's Book
Rochelle Yang
This study examines the combined methodologies of scenic storytelling and animation within augmented reality (AR) children's literature. AR technology has the potential to transform traditional storytelling experiences by seamlessly integrating digital elements into real-world contexts. While many existing AR books predominantly emphasize digital effects that turn 2D graphics into 3D visuals, this research aims to investigate innovative visual communication strategies and storytelling techniques drawn from film, comics, and theatre. By applying film language in the design of AR narratives, we can significantly enrich the storytelling experience and enhance the educational impact of AR literature for children, fostering deeper comprehension and engagement.
Full Text:  PDF 

ISSN: 1526-8659