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Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association

Educational Research & Development Journal



Vol 14, No 1 (2011)

A Comparative Study on Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Mathematics Teachers in China and the United States
Xiaobo She, William Lan, Jennifer Wilhelm
Using an interview protocol comprised of algebraic questions, U.S. and Chinese middle level teachers responses were analyzed for differences in pedagogical content knowledge. Four themes were extracted from the analysis: concrete models and simple steps; practical and theoretical approaches; the application of cross-multiplication; generalization of problem and solution types. Our findings revealed U.S. teachers were more likely to use concrete models and practical approaches in problem-solving and promoting students knowledge skills. However, they seemed to lack deep understanding of mathematical concepts as well as interconnections between concepts. Chinese teachers were inclined to utilize theories and procedures in teaching. By generalizing rules and strategies, Chinese teachers tended to integrate conceptual knowledge points as a conceptual network that made the knowledge applicable within multiple situations.
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ISSN: 1526-8659