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Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association

Educational Research & Development Journal



Fall 2022, Volume 25, Number 2

Chinese Dual Language Immersion Teacher Professional Learning Community
Ye He, Qiuyu Ouyang, Hanxuan Zhang
To support the increasing numbers of Chinese language programs in the United States, there is a need to recruit and support highly qualified teachers. In this study, we described an online professional learning community (PLC) among a small group of Kindergarten Chinese teachers. All the teachers were visiting teachers with prior teaching experiences from China. Based on PLC meeting notes, artifacts, and individual teacher interviews, we explored teachers' development of human, social, and decisional capitals, and the impact of PLC on their instructional practices. Discussions and implications were also provided to further cultivate, sustain, and expand such professional learning opportunities for teachers from diverse backgrounds.
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ISSN: 1526-8659