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A Tip of the Hat is NEDA's award winning newsletter!  Choose from many options to advertise in the Tip.  For questions contact our Tip Editor.

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Half Page Landscape 7.5" wide X 4.75" high  in NEDA's A Tip of the Hat electronic & print newsletter.
Half Page Portrait 4.875" wide X 8.5" high in NEDA's A Tip of the Hat electronic & print newsletter.

One third page ad in NEDA's A Tip of the Hat electronic & print newsletter

(portrait) 4.875” w x 4.75” h  (landscape) 7.5” w x 3” h

Quarter Page ad in NEDA's A Tip of the Hat electronic & print newsletter 3.5" wide X 4.75" high
Advertorial (2-4 pages) ad in NEDA's A Tip of the Hat electronic and print color newsletter.
Business card ad in NEDA's A Tip of the Hat electronic & print newsletter 3.5" wide X 2" high
CLASSIFIED ADS (monthly, per issue) in NEDA's A Tip of the Hat electronic & print newsletter – $2.25 for every 30 characters, $10 minimum. Count as a character each letter, space, and punctuation mark. Please submit in plain text (.txt) or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx).
Full page ad in NEDA's A Tip of the Hat electronic and print color newsletter 8.5" wide X 11"high