Donations - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology
Donation Introductory Text
Support ISEE
Your donations will be used to support the society's many efforts to support training, education, outreach, and scientific advances in environmental epidemiology for our members, including travel grants and awards for students and new researchers from developing countries. We have projects running year round that need your support--donate today to make a difference!The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology is a registered, non-profit organization in the United States. Your donation may, therefore, be tax deductible in the U.S. You will receive a receipt that may be used for tax purposes.
If you are a member of ISEE log into your membership account before making your donation.
Your Donations Make a Difference
Examples of how your support helps ISEE include:
- Sponsor students and new researchers to attend the annual meeting and participate in networking activities
- Sponsor scientists from developing countries to attend the annual meeting
- Provide educational opportunities for members
- Influence policy around the world
- Build capacity for environmental epidemiology around the world