Dans un bocage (In a Grove) is a set of stylized birdsong motifs that may be combined in any manner and over any duration. Players enter with their assigned motifs at whim. (Each part has at least two motifs, which need not be played contiguously or in the order presented.) The high recorders are the song birds, while the low recorders are the doves and owls. This piece is especially fun to play in a lively acoustic where players are distributed throughout the performance space. (Not necessarily indoors!) Although there are four parts, any number of players may take part. Flutter tonguing, tremolos, and glissandi are called for. Listen to the composer's multitrack recording included here.
-- Anthony St. Pierre
This new piece based on bird calls gives free rein to the players in almost every regard, perfect for players who enjoy lots of leeway in their performances. The best part about pieces like this is that nothing is incorrect as long as the affect is maintained. For less experienced players, this piece helps them develop confidence with lifting the music off the page, rather than being locked into the precision of note durations and bar lines.