Composition -
Worrisome Rag (Nobody Knows the Treble I've Seen)
By Bradford Wright March 2023
A and piano
This piece is a sequel to Washboard Rag. The opening two measures of the theme in Washboard Rag has been incorporated into the middle of the main theme in Worrisome Rag. This piece blends original material with an arrangement of the spiritual "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen". The careful reader/listener will find an Easter Egg at m. 75-76 indicating how worried to be.
-- Bradford Wright
Lovers of ragtime will enjoy this free-wheeling second offering of a three-part rag series for Alto recorder and piano. The composer marks this rag as “Moderate” but it has as much high-note activity in the recorder part as the “Washboard Rag” and “Wobbly Rag”. The technical demands in this one are mostly about the high tessitura, and some accidentals add to the fun. The keyboard part has easy rhythmic chords with jazzy off-beat landings, but the right hand occasionally plays quick notes together with the recorder.
-- Glen Shannon
No. of Recorder Parts:
New Music for Recorder
Date Added:
Social/Casual, Concert, Ragtime/Jazz/Blues