Oklahoma Hotel and Lodging Association

Donation - Contribute to OHLA State PAC
Contribute to OHLA State PAC
7/25/2018 - 7/25/2025

Event Description

OHLA members are encouraged to contribute to the state advocacy efforts. For the State advocacy efforts, the suggested contribution levels are noted below and will help the association enhance its influence at the Oklahoma state capitol. 

OHLA now accepts both corporate and non-corporate individual contributions to give you flexibility in supporting our advocacy efforts. Corporate contributions, whether by check or credit card, may be made to the OHLA Hotel Advocacy Fund ("OHA") Fund. Contributions from your personal account, whether by check or credit card, can be made to the OHLA PAC.

Personal Contributions
The Oklahoma Ethics Commission requires that every contributor to the OHLA State PAC complete the following statement and all contributions to the State PAC be paid with personal funds, i.e. by personal check or credit card, no corporate funds or cash contributions are allowed to the State PAC.

OHLA PAC contributions will support only pro-business candidates for State of Oklahoma elected offices and are not affiliated with any political party. Special consideration will be given to pro-hospitality and tourism candidates.

Corporate Contributions
Corporate contributions must be made to the OHLA HOTEL ADVOCACY FUND (“OHA”) Fund. The “OHA” Fund can be used in many flexible ways to benefit the association and its members.

The (“OHA”) Fund can be used to fund grassroots advocacy on important policy issues; direct advocacy before the Oklahoma Legislature, government agencies, and local governments; legal advocacy such as filing amicus briefs in critical litigation; and more. The OHLA HOTEL ADVOCACY FUND is limited in that it cannot give directly to candidates in Oklahoma.