Lansing Jaycees - Lansing Jaycees

Lansing Jaycees

Event Registration - JCI Lansing
This event has completed.

Easter Bunny Deliveries
3/10/2019 - 4/20/2019
8:00 AM - 11:45 PM

Event Description
Join JCI Lansing in the fun of being an Easter Bunny. We are now accepting orders to have our team of bunnies deliver candy and toy filled eggs to a home of your choice on April 20th, 2019. Children will wake up on Easter to a surprise hunt on their lawns.

50 eggs for $25 or 100 eggs for $50. Eggs will come with a delivery notice and be distributed in the front lawn for children over 3 unless otherwise noted by requestor. For deliveries to children under 3, the eggs will be placed on the front porch. 

This is a fundraiser for JCI Lansing to continue supporting the community through projects year-round.