Michigan Water Environment Association

DONATION - 2024 Inductee 5-S Donations
This event has completed.

2024 Inductee 5-S Donations
5/27/2024 - 7/31/2024

Event Description

5-S Donations

This year's NEW 5-S members will collect donations for the Dan Wolz Clean Water Education Grants at the Annual Conference as part of their induction. 

This year the following MWEA members are being inducted to the Michigan Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers (5-S):

  • Doug Engelsman
  • Joe Moore
  • Dan Sroka

The collective goal of the 2024 inductees is to raise $6,000 for the Dan Wolz Clean Water Education Grant Fund!  Help them reach their goal and donate today!

The Dan Wolz Clean Water Education Grant program was established to heighten public awareness of the career opportunities our industry has to offer and to improve the quality and quantity of clean water community education in Michigan’s public schools. Dan Wolz was a true environmental steward of the Earth. Thus, in recognition of the passion Dan had for education, this award continues to reach hundreds of Michigan students each year.

Please help our inductees raise enough money to cover future grants!

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