Event Registration - Evergreen Rural Water
Developing Your Water System Management Plan
3/25/2025 - 3/27/2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM PST

Location: Evergreen Rural Water, 11840 North US Highway 101, Shelton, WA 98584

There are currently 18 spots remaining out of 20

Event Description
The Safe Drinking Water Act requires all Group A community and non-transient non-community systems to demonstrate their capacity to achieve and maintain compliance with the drinking water regulations and provide reliable water service. In Washington, Department of Health uses their Water System Plan (WSP) and Small Water System Management Program (SWSMP) to demonstrate the water system's compliance with the Capacity Requirement.

This class will review and discuss the various elements that comprise a SWSMP. 
Taught by Dan Sander

CEUs: 1.8 Water Only
Costs: $350 ERWoW Members / $425 Non Members